We sailed down the Weddell Sea on a calm and partly sunny morning looking for creatures. The mountains and glaciers were exotic looking and the sea was calm. As we stood on the front deck, the Expedition Crew were scouring the ice floes for seals and penguins. A few Blue-eyed shags flew by as well as the occasional Kelp Gull.

The crew explained to us that South of Snowy Hill Island were Emperor Penguins, but the sea ice would prevent us from getting close. Our best shot at these scarce Penguins was to spot one stray on the sea ice, many of the Expedition Crew had never seen one!

Suddenly a commotion on deck! Lancy, our birding expert, rushed over to other Expedition Crew members for verification of an Emperor Penguin on the ice. Verified! Now to just see this creature! After being unable to, at first, spot this tiny dot, the ship turned in its direction and we had good views as whoops of joy emanated from the crew and passengers.

After a prolonged viewing period, the ship continued South until it encountered lots of sea ice. As we stopped another emperor Penguin was spotted in the water and then two more, who quickly disappeared. The first of this group climbed onto land and we then we had our standing Emperor Penguin! We also spotted two Adelie Penguins swimming and some distant seals on the ice.

Emperor Penguin #2
First Emperor Penguin
Adelie Penguins
Emperor Penguin #2 swimming

One response to “Emperors!”

  1. Bill mah Avatar
    Bill mah

    Great pics. You are quite an artist.
    Very much enjoyed meeting you and your wife.
    Needs to gets some tips about Egypt.
    Planning to go next year to see the the
    Karnak, saquara, Valles of kings and
    Queens. World is a fascinating place.