Adeline Penguin at Rainy pleneau island

Our excursion this afternoon was what one would expect of Antarctica. Our gear, bought for this trip was in its full glory. We had a continuing icy rain, some wind and of course near freezing conditions. We entered the Zodiac to a pelting rain that was highly unpleasant, but we were essentially covered from head to foot in rainproof gear.
Once on land, there was a short walk to the Gentoo colony, however the snow was well packed and every few steps our boots sank down about a foot, making the going slow. Along the way we saw our first Adelie Penguin flippering down the hill. Unfortunately, the photos weren’t up to par due to the rain, fog and moisture on the lenses.

colonies of Adelie, Gentoo and Chinstrap Penguins
Adelie Penguin
A pair of Gentoos