What a Long Day It’s Been!

Our travel to Buenos Aires took us through Mexico City, where our wait for our next flight was extended by four hours (to ten) due to a late change in schedule. After an uneventful flight, we decided on finding a hotel at the airport, forgetting that Nov 1 is the Day of the Dead and all hotels were booked up. Well plan B was to stay in the airport lounge, and after finding out that it was closed until three, Plan C went into effect for two the hours until the lounge opened, sleep in the terminal! Thankfully the lounge provided some respite, even with passengers speaking (loudly) as if it was midday.

Our second flight on a 787 Dreamliner was terrific and after a relatively quick trip through immigration, we were headed into the city, where our hotel reception were as nice as any place we’ve ever been. A late night dinner and bed after our 30 hour journey!

Sleeping in the lounge
Finally our flight to BA!