After a very sound six hours of sleep, I awoke around 7 (6AM Eastern, please don’t tell me I was up in the middle of the night CA time!).

A nearby park, the Plaza of The Liberator San Martin, provided my first birding opportunity. The first bird seen was the expected Rock Piegeon, which seems to dominate cities. But much better was to come! The Argentinian Robin (Rufous-bellied Thrush) and Mockingbird (Chalk-browed Mockingbird) and similar looking Rufous Honero were everywhere. Then the lovely Red-crested Cardinal (first seen in Hawaii!) and the Narrow-billed wood creeper made for a lovely hour of birding. Two elusive birds were the squeaking white eyes parrots, high on the trees and a bright yellow treated fellow with a large white eyebrow. Well, just as I was leaving the park, I got his photo, a Great Kiskadee! According to ebird the last time I saw this bird was 2010 in Puerto Vallarta.

Great Kiskadee, a large flycatcher
Narrow-billed Woodcreeper
Red-crested cardinal