Ushuaia is a Very, Very far Place

Our flight was just over about one hour as we headed for the most Southern city in Argentina. Population: 8,000 permanent, about three times that in season (which just began in November).

Our plan for today is a lot less hectic. We have a few hours to kill at our hillside hotel, then a boat ride on the Beagle Channel, the same waterway that we will use tomorrow to lead us towards the Drake Passage and eventually Antarctica.

We boarded a nice sized Catamaran with lots of indoor space. The three of us spent most of our time on the back deck which was less windy and gave us great views of the birds and other sea life. The first notable bird we saw was the Giant Petrel, followed by the Dolphin Gull and the many Emperor Cormorants.

The main targets of the trip was a “bird island” and then a landing at another remote island. The views and weather were spectacular and the seas calm. Once at the “bird island” we saw that it was two islands, one full of sea lions and the other with lots of black and white birds. Penguins? No, more imperial Cormorants. The Penguins would have to wait for at least one more day.

Chilean Skuas sitting on island
Sea Lion
South American Tern
Kathy with the end of the world sign
Crested Caracara Harassing Turkey Vulture
Dolphin Gull likes to eat carrion, eggs and shellfish
Imperial Cormorants w nesting material
aKathy and the end of the world

One response to “Ushuaia is a Very, Very far Place”

  1. Craig Avatar

    Nice pictures!