I Can See All the Obstacles In My Way…

After our birding adventure, we had a quick lunch and set out for the Recoleta district. First we needed some local currency so off to an ATM. The ATM basically said we needed too much money ($150?), so I tried for half that amount and got rejected again. Off to a second one which wouldn’t even acknowledge me, just spit out the card. After the fourth ATM location I asked another person there for help. His English wasn’t proficient but he tried to help and finally turned me over to another young man with perfect English that led me to a money changer in the very back of a large store. I walked into what appeared to be a changing room and received 27 crisp 1000 peso bills for my $100. If the ATM had given me the cash I asked for I would have received 14 of those bills minus a fee!

A few more blocks took us across 9th of July (the very wide Avenue) and there was a cab waiting, so we jumped in. We were headed to the National Fine Arts Museum and he insisted that it cost 3,000 pesos, pay up front. We got out feeling very much being taken advantage of and found a second cab. The cost of the journey was actually $500 pesos!

The imposing art museum had an impressive row of columns on the outside, but the lobby was devoid of any art. And then there was the line…Apparently visitors are allowed in on the hour, so 5PM was the next time. We were worried about the line that ran around three of the four walls of the bare lobby. So, we decided we couldn’t spare the time and off we went, across the street for coffee and a delicious cake.

Revived, we walked up to the NS del Pilar Parish, a gorgeous Catholic Church in which our friends were married? Then a peek into the famous Recoleta Cemetery and a walk through this part of the city. I even scored a photo of a parrot on my iPhone!

A revitalizing coffee and pistachio cake!
The del Pilar Parish Church
Friendly Monk Parakeet taken via iPhone

One response to “I Can See All the Obstacles In My Way…”

  1. Cindy Stevens Avatar
    Cindy Stevens

    My goodness, it looks like an incredible journey thus far. Beautiful bird photos and yummy delights!!!