They took down a Cinema and Put Up a Bookstore!

Well, not exactly! El Ateneo is a grand Movie House turned into a Bookstore. This was a fun visit of our late morning walk around. We were amazed by the number of parks and I kept seeing the bird species that I first spotted this morning. Crossing the 9th of July Avenue took two lights as its the widest avenue in the world!

We were strolling around to get acquainted with Buenos Aires and following the recommendations of our dear friends, the Martellis. So on the agenda was booking a tour for Friday at the Theatre Colon, from the pictures, its spectacular inside. Then we just walked around to get a feel for the city. It’s a large and beautiful place, full of life, but the crowds seemed manageable. Our long walk eventually led us back to our hotel for a nice lunch and a bit of rest.

The Children’s Room Was Beautifully Decorated
Cinema? No, Bookstore!

We visit do they sell books

Looks like a movie house…..
The Ninth of July Avenue is the widest Avenue in the World! (Just try crossing it!)